ติดต่อรับทำ Flash Animation

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งาน cartoon animation ราคางานทำใหม่เริ่มต้นที่ 2000-3000 นะครับ ถ้าหลายๆนาทีจะคิดตามรายละเอียดให้ครับ หรือถ้ามีรายละเอียดงานส่งมาให้ตีราคาก่อนได้ครับผม (งาน start ที่หลัก พันนะครับผม ^ ^)

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Search Engine Optimization

Adobe CS3 - What's New?

Written by kiti SEO on 30.4.08

Adobe CS3 (Creative Suite 3) is a suite of products that combines traditional Adobe programs with programs that Adobe acquired and has since rebranded from Macromedia. The suite includes Dreamweaver, Flash, and Fireworks, as well as Illustrator and Photoshop. All of the programs in Adobe CS3 that were formerly Macromedia have been streamlined and given Adobe-like functionality. The entire suite now works seamlessly as a complete family of programs for designers and developers.
Adobe CS3 includes an upgraded version of Dreamweaver, formerly a Macromedia program. Not only is Dreamweaver now more readily compatible with other Adobe programs, but it also has the addition of the Spry framework providing Ajax capability. This enables designers to incorporate sophisticated functionality without the need for complicated programming skills by simply taking advantage of the built-in features of Dreamweaver CS3. Dreamweaver CS3 also has new standards capability with cascading style sheets.
In addition, Dreamweaver CS3 now has Adobe Device Central incorporated within the program. This allows users to preview and test Web pages on multiple devices with ease. The program also has advanced integration with Photoshop CS3 and can support multiple layers. Finally, designers and developers using Dreamweaver CS3 can perform easy browser compatibility checks and can check for cross-browser cascading style sheet rendering issues.
Another one of the new programs acquired from Macromedia is Flash. Flash CS3 is now using Action Script 3.0, an update and modification of Action Script 2.0. While 3.0 is backwards compatible, this portion of the program is also 30 times faster and has more object-oriented capabilities than 2.0, which is of great benefit for developers.
For designers, Flash is now easier to work with and has more streamlined panels. The program incorporates new drawing tools, including a new and enhanced pen tool that is more like that used in Illustrator. Flash CS3 also allows more control with corners when creating rectangular objects and easier creation of pie and donut shapes. The program as a whole is more intuitive and is easier to control with new object primitives. Additionally, Flash CS3 works with other Adobe programs and allows designers to copy and paste filters and motion tweens from one object to another without the need to reapply them. Flash CS3 also offers nine-slice scaling, offering users the ability to scale objects more intuitively and without distortion.
Finally, Flash CS3 incorporates Adobe Device Central and allows users to check applications on different devices. And Flash now has import support for Adobe programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator, which can lead to enhanced image fidelity and editability that designers may have wished for in the past.
Fireworks has also been given a makeover as one of the new Adobe programs. The new version makes it easier to control and share symbols, to give them more robust attributes with Javascript, and to swap them. Plus, scaling has been enhanced in Fireworks CS3 so that you can now intelligently scale symbols with a nine-point system.
Additionally, in Fireworks CS3, you can add multiple pages to a single document for ease in mocking up Web sites. You can also have hierarchical layers in much the same way as is allowed in Adobe programs such as Photoshop. And it is much easier to bring files between Fireworks and Flash or Illustrator and Fireworks than ever before.
Photoshop CS3 has also been given a makeover and upgrade. The new version of one of the best-known software programs now offers the ability to export an HTML file that the user can zoom in and out of (the "zoomify" feature). It also has new smart filters that can preserve data integrity and allow for nondestructive flexible modification of the images. Designers can also convert images to monochrome with more control than before.
Plus, Photoshop can now analyze images and make recommendations for settings. It also offers an enhanced version of cloning and healing and also has updated color correction options. And there are many new tools in the program that designers can use to more finely tune images, from photo merge with advanced alignment bleeding to a refined edge feature. Photoshop also now has DICOM support and allows users to open, edit, and annotate single frames of radiological images. Finally, as with other Adobe programs, Photoshop also incorporates Adobe Device Central for easy previewing and testing of images on other devices.
Last but not least, Adobe CS3 includes an upgrade of Illustrator that offers important new features for designers and developers as well. As previously mentioned, Illustrator CS3 now has seamless integration with Adobe programs such as Flash CS3 and includes Symbols for easy animation. The program also offers new, upgraded drawing tools and a new vector tool. Illustrator CS3 also features "Live Color," which allows the designer or developer to edit colors directly within the image.
Adobe CS3 is an important upgrade for designers and developers who were users of previous versions of Macromedia and Adobe programs. It brings all of these well-known programs together in a single package under a single brand. Users are likely to see immediate benefits, and the new features of the individual programs add even more functionality than existed in previous editions.
Ramon M.de la Paz is a full-time instructor of information technology training courses for WestLake Training and Development. In his 20-year career in the computer industry, in addition to delivering training, he has handled Web design and multimedia production for a number of government and non-government agencies. For more information, please visit http://www.westlaketraining.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ramon_De_La_Paz

Free Animation

Written by kiti SEO on 30.4.08

Scores of sites offer you thousands of free animations. You can use them on your web site or send them as digital postcards.
There are also many animation software packages available for download with no strings attached. Some of them are absolutely free, some are shareware and some are free with limited functions (with the option of more once you make the payment). There are some free trials that either expire after a certain period of time or are made available only with some critical options disabled.
Here is a list of some of them:
Adobe AfterEffects (Adobe). License: Free Trial. Motion graphics and visual effects for film and media.
Animator-9 3.6 (Key Technology). License: Free. Generate animated GIFs from your digital camera.
AniS 1.0 (Tom Whittaker). License: Free. Simple image manipulation for the web.
Jumpwel (Phildes0. License: Free. Basic object manipulator for use in HTML; uses Java applets.
Macromedia Flash (Macromedia). License: Free Trial. A leading player in 2D vector animation.
Macromedia Director (Macromedia). License: Free Trial. Create interactive ShockWave content.
Sqirlz Lite 1.1d (xiberpix0. License: Free. Animated image distorter that exports in AVI format.
Sqirlz Morph 1.2c (xiberpix). License: Free. Animated image morpher and blender.
3D Studio Max 7.0 (Discreet). License: Free Trial. Version 7.0 of the award-winning 3D modeling and animation software package. Also comes with trials of Character Studio and Mental Ray.
Cyberdelia (Askoh.com). License: Free. 3D Animation with support for exporting into Macromedia Shockwave.
FreeCAD 8.0 (Askoh.com). License: Free. A beginner’s 3D CAD and simulation program.
Gmax (Discreet). License: Free. A free 3D program that allows you to make your own modifications, customizations, and models required for Gmax-ready video games. Based on 3D Studio Max.
Maya 6.5 (Alias WaveFront). License: Free Trial. The latest version in 3D modeling and animation.
Serif 3D Plus (Serif). License: Free. Allows animated shapes and landscapes.
Special Effects 3.2 (Mathematically Beautiful ScreenSavers). License: Free. Limited range of pre-set animations based on user preferences.
Touch Art Sampler 017 (Derivative). License: Free. Allows you to play with animations, though more of a VJ/synthesizer studio than anything else.
TrueSpace 3.2 (Caligari). License: Free. Full 3D rendering and output. Apparently completely free. Still you need to register to get an unlock code on the website. Cross-compatible with many programs.
Animation provides detailed information on Animation, Free Animation, Flash Animation, 3D Animation and more. Animation is affiliated with Wholesale Art Supplies.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Gluckman

Upsurging Flash Animations

Written by kiti SEO on 30.4.08

Flash animations are protruding because of their myriad characteristics in this coeval age. Flash is splashing all around and the timeless saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” aptly describes how large amount of data can be absorbed quickly, imbibe our mind.
Flash animation is created using Adobe flash animation software and is distributed in .swf (Shockwave Flash) format, other formats are .as (ActionScript), .flv (Flash Video). Flash animations have nowadays become best way to showcase overview of an enterprise. Web flash animations are often created in series and well known by different names; bitmaps, raster-based art, vector based drawings, videos can be easily incorporated with these flash animations for more clear graphics. You can find numerous flash generator, image manipulator, menu creator on the web. You tube,
We find Macromedia Flash is a pioneering vector technology for designing high-end-high-impact, low-bandwidth websites that for enticing and retention of visitors; providing a richer, more compelling web experience. You don’t need to install or download player, just drag the file to your browser and it runs, these flash animations are very attractive and interactive and help a lot in website brand campaigning.
Adobe Flex, is the latest upsurging flash animation; it is an IDE and SDK that supports development and deployment of cross platform for technologies based on proprietary Macromedia Flash platform. Flex Data Services 2 provides Enterprise-oriented services through data synchronization, data push, publish-subscribe and automated testing. Adobe Flex 3 is the beta version that supports Adobe Application Runtime and includes Creative Suite products and Flex Builder IDE.
There is good news for SEO executives working over flash websites!! Previously it was almost impossible to get flash websites indexed in the search engines, but now as adobe as incorporated Adobe SDK capable of converting .swf to html making the site fully search engine friendly, it is helping SEO’s to gain rankings for the same with much more ease. Presently google has also deployed a new fix over its algorithm via which its crawler (googlebot) is capable of indexing partly content of flash driven websites.

flash templates

Written by kiti SEO on 30.4.08

Adobe Flash - previously called Shockwave Flash and Macromedia Flash - is a set of multimedia technologies developed and distributed by Adobe Systems and earlier by Macromedia. Since its introduction in 1996, Flash technology has become a popular method for adding animation and interactivity to web pages; Flash is commonly used to create animation, advertisements, various web page components, to integrate video into web pages, and more recently, to develop rich Internet applications.
Flash can manipulate vector and raster graphics and supports bi-directional streaming of audio and video. It contains a scripting language called ActionScript. It is available in most common web browsers and some mobile phones and other electronic devices (using Flash Lite). Several software products, systems, and devices are able to create or display Flash, including the Adobe Flash Player. The Adobe Flash Professional multimedia authoring program used to create content for the Adobe Engagement Platform, such as web applications, games and movies, and content for mobile phones and other embedded devices.
Files in the SWF format, traditionally called "Flash movies" or "Flash games", usually have a .swf file extension and may be an object of a web page, strictly "played" in a standalone Flash Player, or incorporated into a Projector, a self-executing Flash movie (with the .exe extension in Microsoft Windows). Flash Video (FLV) files have a .flv file extension and are used from within .swf files.
The program Flash is the brainchild of Jonathon Gay, who developed the idea in college and later while working for Silicon Beach Software and its successors.

Macromedia Flash

Written by kiti SEO on 30.4.08

Adobe Flash has historically been called Shockwave Flash and more recently Macromedia Flash but has come to be simply Flash. Flash is a set of multimedia technologies developed and distributed by Adobe Systems, when Adobe Systems acquired Macromedia in 2006. Since its introduction in 1996, Flash technology has become a popular method for adding animation and interactivity to web pages; Flash is commonly used to create animation, advertisements, various web page components, to integrate video into web pages, and more recently, to develop rich Internet applications.
Flash can manipulate vector and raster graphics and supports bi-directional streaming of audio and video. It contains a scripting language called ActionScript. It is available in most common web browsers and some mobile phones and other electronic devices (using Flash Lite). Several software products, systems, and devices are able to create or display Flash, including the Adobe Flash Player. The Adobe Flash Professional multimedia authoring program used to create content for the Adobe Engagement Platform, such as web applications, games and movies, and content for mobile phones and other embedded devices.
Files in the SWF format, traditionally called "Flash movies" or "Flash games", usually have a .swf file extension and may be an object of a web page, strictly "played" in a standalone Flash Player, or incorporated into a Projector, a self-executing Flash movie (with the .exe extension in Microsoft Windows). Flash Video (FLV) files have a .flv file extension and are utilized from within .swf files.
Flash grew out of a chain of thought that started in the 1980s with some ideas Jonathan Gay had at school, then at college and later while working for Silicon Beach Software and its successors.

Adobe Flash - Programming

Written by kiti SEO on 25.4.08

Being a web/software development company, we use a wide range of applications to create content/products for our clients. Quite often, clients will ask for some kind of animation incorporated into their design. Some common uses of animation in websites are banners, logos, and navigational buttons. One of the most popular authoring environments for creating these animations is Macromedia Flash. Not only can Flash be used to create the elements mentioned above, it can be used to create entire websites or applications which are much more interactive than traditional HTML sites. It can also be used to create animated cartoons, games, and for displaying video on websites – YouTube being a good example.Flash content can be viewed through any internet browser which supports the Adobe Flash Player. Flash content can also be viewed on selected mobile and non-PC devices that support a Flash Player plugin.The Flash authoring environment supports a wide range of file formats, covering images, audio, and video. Having the ability to display high quality raster - or bitmap - images allows the user to create slideshows or add interactivity to images that are otherwise static. However, Flash’s real power lies in its ability to create vector graphics; using this form of artwork helps to cut down on file sizes which helps to keep animations running smoothly, and games performing as the developer intended. This is particularly true for older or slower computers.Another powerful feature of Flash is its scripting language, ActionScript. Using programming allows the developer to create Flash ‘movies’ which are dynamic, can perform complex calculations, communicate with server side applications, and generally, allow a great deal more control over animations and user interactions.At T-Enterprise, we use the Flash Authoring environment to create custom games for our clients. These range from simple puzzles to more complex platform games. The client will usually give us a brief of what they are looking for; usually it will require a theme that corresponds to the product or service which they provide. ActionScript allows us to create game ‘engines’ that can simulate real world physics, such as gravity and collision detection. As a result, our games offer high levels of interactivity whilst retaining the initial idea that the client suggested.Use of, and support for Flash continues to grow, as does the number people who use the internet. Having a viral element – such as a game or video clip - on your website may help to increase traffic to your pages.

2d Cartoon Animation

Written by kiti SEO on 25.4.08

Animation is the rapid succession of a series of images in order to create an illusion of a moving picture. In other words, it is an optical impression of motion resulting from the phenomenon of persistence of vision. The moving pictures are produced through a string of consecutive images that reproduce motion by each image showing the next in a gradual progression of steps. If a series of 24 or less cartoon images run per second, it will result in a cartoon animation. Although animation is commonly demonstrated in the form of a motion picture or video program, any other forms of presenting animation also exist, including computer animation like 2D and 3D animations which encompasses a variety of techniques where the animation is created digitally on a computer.In case of 2D animation, pictures are created and/or edited on the paper or computer screen in a two-dimensional environment such as cel animation or in computerized animation software. The two dimensional (2D) animation software gives movement and action to static images. These figures are created and edited using 2D bitmap graphics or by using 2D vector graphics including automated computerized versions of conventional animation techniques like tweening, morphing, onion skinning, blurring, cell animation, path animation and interpolated rotoscoping. Three dimensional representations of geometric data is stored in the computer to enable calculations and deliver 2D images. 2D animations such as Analog Computer Animation, Macromedia Flash, PowerPoint etc. can be produced using software tools. To give an element of motion to the object, a digital framework process called rigging is applied. The process of 2D Animation involves complete story boarding including each shot of the animation, background design, character design, cell animation, perfect voice synching and flow of the animation including the background music. Every shot in a 2D animation involves multiple single drawings of characters.

Flash Design for a More Dynamic Web Presence

Written by kiti SEO on 25.4.08

If you have been running with a basic website since the inception of your online presence, you may want to look into developing something a bit more dynamic. Today's World Wide Web is full of competitors. Your competition is doing what you are doing on the web, but they may be doing it better. The key is to stay up on the latest technology and to not be afraid to try new things on your site. Obviously, you want to do a bit of market research before you plunge ahead with an entire new set up, but if you get together with any of the fine Denver flash development experts available, you can get some wonderful ideas for how to do a lot on your website with a few changes.
Flash design has been around for a while now, though most website owners who are not computer professionals do not really know what it is. You may have downloaded the Macromedia Flash Player for free in order to see movie previews, company presentations, or music videos, but you may not be familiar with flash technology beyond that daily use. Flash development, Denver web design, or systems development teams are all capable of telling you more about flash.
Basically, your website is probably written in HTML, a code that is used to tell the computer what to display on the screen. There are other codes gaining popularity now, but the older ones are still constructed with HTML. This code language allows the computer to display images and text in a static manner. In other words, you can display an article or a photograph, but not a cartoon or a moving title. HTML is limited to fixed positions.
If you want a more dynamic site, you need to move beyond this language and enter the world of flash. So many websites online include some form of flash today that it is unusual for a large company not to have something in motion somewhere in the site. You can make text, images, and animations move around on the screen. But this is just the beginning.
Before flash really took hold, programmers used GIF images or java applets to create movement on the screen. GIF images are simply loops of the same images played over and over, and they take forever to load. Java applets are very limited in how they can be used and tend to come with some inherent kinks, such as limited color variability.
But Denver flash development firms can now take you to the next level, by allowing you to play movies, virtual animation, and other dynamic elements on your site. That's because flash is interactive. Your client can point the mouse at flash animation and make it stop or start, can click and drag it somewhere, or even add to it if the program allows for that. In fact, flash movies are actually easier to create than java applets but allow for much more interactivity.
Flash movies also work with up to 256 colors, the standard for online full-color images. And although the original movies seemed to take forever to load, now that almost all internet users are online with a high speed connection, the flash movies load faster than the old GIF animations.
So talk to a professional flash developer today about how you can makeyour customers' online experience more dynamic.

Using Flash in Good Web Design

Written by kiti SEO on 25.4.08

Using Flash in Good Web Design
There seems to be a constant back and forth between programmers,systems developers, and web designers, not to mention users andmerchants, about whether or not Flash is a good thing or a bad thing.You hear arguments on both sides, and they can both be convincing.If you know someone in I.T. in Denver,Flash design has probably come up in conversation before. The truthis that Flash design is a very individual decision.
So what is all the fuss about? Many moons ago when Flash technologyfirst came out and the Macromedia Flash Player arrived on the scene,there were very few machines that had the software or even the hardwareto play this stuff. Flash is basically the technology behind movingpictures on a website. It is responsible for the swirling graphics yousee when you open an architecture firm's splash page and the mini moviepreview or commercial you see on Yahoo! when you do a search formovies.
When it comes to Flash design, Denver has some great minds. You can find quality webdesign that includes Flash elements to suit your company's style,goals, and marketing scheme. A professional team is the best way to getthis done, as it takes a trained Flash designer to really give yousomething seamless and highly functional.
And here is where the con side of the argument comes in. Some peoplesay that Flash components on a website are just showy and take way toolong to download. Well, five years ago, this was an accurate argument.Actually, even a year ago there were still a relatively large number ofinternet users who were still using a dial-up connection.
If you think back to the early days of the internet and how long ittook you to watch those first Flash videos your friends sent you, orhow impatient you became waiting for a website to load that hadanimated graphics on its splash page, you know why this argument hassurvived. But today, it is increasingly obsolete.
The majority of internet users today have high speed internetconnections of some sort, as the affordability of this technology hasincreased. This means that the chances you will exclude a potentialcustomer with your animated intro are close to nil. So Denver Flashdesign is on the rise.
A professional web designer who has experience with Flash design canwrite a program that is customized to your needs. They can create athing of real beauty and excitement. Flash adds a touch of life to yourotherwise static website. Remember that you customers want to feel likethey are connected to you when they visit your website. By giving themanimated components to view, you create a richer user experience to aidin this feeling.
There are so many ways that Flash can be used today that it would be ashame for you not to investigate how it could help your site. Frominteractive virtual salespeople to virtual makeovers, the possibilitiesare becoming endless.
This article was written by Sytsma Morris-Reeves. Mr. Morris-Reevesruns NewMediaDenver,an Internet technology company located indowntown Denver, Colorado (http://www.NewMediaDenver.com).Mr.Morris-Reeves is a highly respected Denver SEO Expert since 10years, and he constantly develops and stays current with all the latestSEO and Link BuildingTechniques.

Flash 101 - The Basics

Written by kiti SEO on 25.4.08

Have you ever been to a web site that asks you to download Macromedia Flash? Have you ever seen a Flash button on a web site that had a lot of animation and seemed very hi-tech? If so, you may have wondered what exactly Flash is. Flash is not a new technology, but it is still used in many different ways on the Internet today.
Flash can refer to Macromedia Flash player, and to refer to the program used to create Flash content. Some may wonder what exactly Flash does. Flash is a program that is used to create games and movies that can be put on the Internet. Interactive web sites are also made with Flash. Most web browsers support Macromedia Flash. Flash supports vectors, raster graphics, and ActionScript, which is a scripting language. Finally, Flash can stream audio and video at the same time.
Flash was first introduced in 1996. At that time, most browsers did not have Flash capabilities. However, the amount of browsers with Flash compatibility rose dramatically in a very short amount of time. Businesses started to pay web designers to design sites utilizing Flash. Flash is frequently used with web pages to make them more interactive and even more professional in some cases. Some web pages have animated flash introductions. Advertisements have also been created using Flash. Flash files are generally given a .swf file extension and can appear either within a web page or can be played in Flash Player.
Many people prefer using Flash to other technologies when creating web sites. Some people use animated GIFs. GIF images are really just looped and so they do not take that much memory. However, many people prefer Flash because the user can control the animations. GIFs are limited to 256 colors, while Flash can have millions. Java Applets are other another medium for Flash-like animations. However, some find the programming language too difficult. Flash programming is very easy in comparison to other types of programming, so more inexperienced persons can make interesting animations with Flash.
Macromedia Flash has to be purchased. Once commonly heard complaint is that the software is very expensive. However, there are other programs besides Macromedia's that can create flash banners and animations. These are often less expensive and can be a good alternative for the budget-minded webmaster looking for a cheap and easy way to create a Flash banner or animation.

Promoting Your Site With Branded Flash Games

Written by kiti SEO on 25.4.08

Developing and distributing original branded flash games has proven itself to be an innovative way to drive countless new visitors to your website. Games display your brand name throughout play-time; the brand will usually appear as a link at the bottom of the game window, but it could show up as merely a logo. Some aspiring webmasters develop original, branded games for their own sites while other webmasters pay flash game developers to just customize whatever the webmaster likes out of their collection. The flash game developer might customize the same game for several websites, leading to a ubiquitous presence of the game online - each with a different brand on display. Webmasters pay for flash games because visitors remain on the site for longer periods of time and may be more likely to click text ads or generate impressions for CPM ads. If they really like the site, they may tell their friends or come back day after day. These are concepts known as viral marketing or stickiness. Additionally, webmasters may boost popularity to their website by distributing their branded flash games to other webmasters for free. The reason is that visitors to all these other websites that would never have seen the distributing company's brand now have it right before their eyes. Webmasters are eager for free content that will increase the user's enjoyment of, and time on, their sites. Therefore, they gladly accept the free branded flash games of larger sites. It's a win-win situation. Miniclip.com brought tens of thousands of visitors to their website through this method. Here, a webmaster recounts their experience: "One of the more successful viral marketing campaigns that i think has been overlooked in this thread is miniclip.com. Back in the early days of the website they made the smart decision to put up a selection of their flash games for download so that other webmasters could download the games and use them on their websites. The games were heavily miniclip.com branded with links back to miniclip all over the place. People then jumped on this and started making "online game websites" using games that were provided for free on miniclip (and other similar websites), the webmasters would then advertise their new websites and drive a lot of traffic to miniclip."In order to imitate the success of a Miniclip, you need to systematically produce games and submit them to the big gaming hubs, directories, and websites: It *will* bring you some traffic but don't expect to get thousand of visitors via this way (unless you really submit 10+ developed games per month to the big sites) Another webmaster confirms this and re-iterates the success of minicip: he is right ! you have to develop more and more games like miniclip.comthey are i think the best flash gamers over the internet ! and they lets you play online and download the trail version of the games !The cost of paying a flash game developer to create a completely original flash game from scratch ranges from $200 to $900. Of course, you'll want to mention that they can sell and customize the games for other webmasters too; do so only if price is a consideration. There are sometimes bulk discounts, and it's far cheaper to have a developer brand a game they've already developed. Freelancers (independent contractors that get paid on a job-by-job basis) can be found through guru.com , elance.com , rent-a-coder.com and on flash developer forums like flashkit.com. Interestingly enough, there are also pre-packaged flash quizzes and games that can be licensed and customized. This is the best option for an up-start with a small budget that wants to rapidly imbue his/her site with content. For instance, some businesses offers a yearly licensing model for branded flash games. The best bet is to work with a company that already has some momentum in the field. For example, Galaxy Graphics lets you choose, license, and personally brand flash games from their large portfolio.Recently, Orbitz and Lifesavers developed flash games on their websites that are showing to be successful in converting to more sales and greater brand awareness.Branded flash games are one valuable asset that your budding business should not neglect.

3d Animation Programming Services

Written by kiti SEO on 24.4.08

Add depth to your multimedia advertising with 3D graphic and text animations from RANOSOFT TECHNOLOGY (http://www.ranosofttechnologies.com)Strongly supported by a highly skilled team of animation experts,with Fine Arts background and years of exposure to various requirements and challenges in the animation space, has the creative edge to meet the challenges in the 3D animation world.We are among the Well-known service providers of 3d interactive animation designing. Ranosoft Technologies specialize in modifying thoughts into animations. Our skill and expertise in devising customized animations made us one of the paramount service provider dealing in all types of Graphical Animation programs like Web / Graphic Designing, 3D Architect, 3D Modeling Walk Through and Similar other projects.3D Animation Multimedia Services offer 3D Game Programming Services. 3D Animation Multimedia Services delivers 3D Flash Animation Services. 3D Animation Development provides multimedia animation services.Ranosoft Technologies team of 3D animation and 3D modeling services has talented 3D animation and modeling professionals to deliver outstanding and compelling 3D animation services and Modeling services to clients in India and abroad. Our team has years of experience in Flash development, 3D animation services and 3D modeling services.

Do's and Dont's Guide to Great Web Design

Written by kiti SEO on 24.4.08

When followed, this guide will prove to be quite a valuable web design resource. From the inexperienced to the experienced, this guide has something for everyone.The Process of Great Web Design Just to make sure we are all on the same page, lets begin with the basic definition for "web design". According to Wikipedia, web design is:"a process of conceptualization, planning, modeling, and execution of electronic media delivery via Internet in the form of Markup language suitable for interpretation by Web browser and display as Graphical user interface".The process of web design can be compared to the process of writing a research paper. In the conceptualization/planning stage, flowcharts (the outline) are created which illustrate the navigational structure of your website. In the modeling stage, static wireframes are created (the rough draft) which illustrate the skeletal layout for each section of your website. After the wire frames are created, graphics, colors and text are used to create the design of your web pages based on the layout of the wire frames. In the execution stage, your design is converted into a format supported by web browsers, text and content are added, and finally, your website is published live to the Internet for the world to see (final draft).All three stages of the design process are equally important. Many web designers skip a stage in order to save time or because they don't think that is is necessary. However, all three stages are necessary if your goal is to create a successful design and respectable website. Even if the three stages are used, there are many mistakes that web designers can make that will lead to poor-quality, non user-friendly websites. It's time to clean out the cabinet of bad web design practices and restock it with the good ones.Stage 1: Conceptualization and planningThis stage is skipped more often than the other two stages. Most writers don't enjoy creating outlines for research papers, and most web designers don't like creating flowcharts either. Don't be lazy. If you put forth the effort and plan out your website, then you will find the web design process to go smoothly with fewer mistakes made along the way.There are a few things that you will need in order to effectively conceptualize and plan your website:-a brain-a pen and paper-(optional) flowchart software-a general idea of the different sections of your websiteTo begin, grab your pen and paper or launch your favorite flowchart software. We use OmniGraffle Professiona for Mac OS X which costs $150 per license but is well worth it if you create websites on a regular basis. If you're on a PC, then SmartDraw is a great FREE piece of flowchart software that you can use. A pen and paper work just fine, though.There are many methods to creating flowcharts. We are going to show you the most basic way to do it for the sake of time and the length of this article. If you want to learn more about flowcharts search for flowcharts on Google or Yahoo.View the flowchart that we created when conceptualizing Chromatic Sites. (1) At the top of the flowchart we list the name of our website. (2) Next, we include each primary section of our website: Home, About, and Services. These sections are the main navigation for your website. What the names of each section will be is entirely dependent on the content of your website. Try to use as few sections as possible so that your visitors are not overwhelmed when navigating through your website.(3) Next, add all of the secondary pages (subsections) that will be listed on each of the primary pages. For Home, we have included Professional Web Design, Web Development, and Search Engine Optimization. The secondary navigation needs to be more descriptive than the primary navigation. The deeper your websites' navigational hierarchy goes, the more descriptive each label should be.The Dos-Less is more; keep the number of primary sections to a minimum. We use 6 sections on our website which is more than enough -Whether you use a pen and paper or flowchart software, keep things as clean and organized as possible. Although you (and anyone working with you) are the only ones that will be using the flowchart, it still needs to make sense -Your primary sections should use broader terms, while secondary and tertiary terms should be more descriptiveThe DontsCreating a flowchart is pretty straight forward; however, there are a few mistakes that can easily be made:-Don't use very descriptive terms in your primary navigation unless your entire website focuses on one narrow topic -Don't try and lump multiple topics on the same page. Create a general section for these topics and from that section create subsections. This will make the subsection (descriptive) web pages more likely to have better rankings in the search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask) Once you have created a concise and descriptive flowchart, you're ready to move on to the second stage of the web design process: modeling.Stage 2: ModelingIn the modeling stage, static "wireframe" mockups are created. Each mockup illustrates a bare-bones skeleton of the layout for each of the web pages that will be included in your website. This stage is important because it gives us an idea of where different elements will be placed in our design. Some of these elements are:-logo-navigational menu-content-images, videosTo create these mockups, you can use a pen and paper or your preferred mockup software. In the past we have used Photoshop, but lately we have been using OmniGraffle Professional. OmniGraffle is not as resource intensive as Photoshop is and it allows us to assemble our wireframe mockups much quicker.In addition, make sure that you have the flowchart(s) that you created nearby as you will need to reference these from time to time to make sure that you are mocking up all of the pages that will appear on your website.Here is our example of how a wireframe mockup should look. As you can see, there are no colors or graphics included. This is exactly how a wireframe mockup should be - a skeletal layout of your design. The purpose is to be able to have a general idea of where each of the web page's elements will be placed.We usually begin from the top left and work our way down to the bottom. There is no specific way that a wireframe should look. Use your imagination. However, make sure that when creating your wireframes you don't forget to include the most important elements of a website (logo, navigational menu, content placement, images/video placement).If some of your pages will be using the same layout, then it is not necessary to mock all of those pages up (although you certainly can). Just be sure to mockup any unique layout that your website will have. You'll thank yourself later.The Dos-mockup all unique pages-include important elements (logo, navigation, content placement, images/video placement) -start from the top and work your way down -reference your flowchart created in stage 1 to make you don't forget to mockup any pages -save, save, save - like with anything on the computer, save your mockup(s) every 10 minutes or so-focus on clean, user friendly layouts -label your elements so you don't forget what they are when you reference them in stage 3, execution -use other web sites as inspiration; there is nothing wrong with taking elements from other sites and making them your own (see "donts")The Donts-don't include graphics or colors (that's for the next stage) -don't make your mockups too "busy"; focus on clean, well organized, user friendly layouts -don't skip this stage; it is just as important as the first and the last -if you take elements from other websites, make sure you don't plagiarize; there is a difference between being inspired by another website to create certain elements of your design and blatantly ripping off their layout and colorsStage 3: ExecutionIn the third and final stage, execution, the planning from stages 1 and 2 are combined to assist in creating a live, interactive website. The third stage is by far the most time intensive since you will be 1) creating the graphics 2) creating the content, and finally, 3) converting the web designs from images into code that web browsers use to present your website to the world.By the time you reach the third stage, you should have a clear idea of:-how your visitors will get from one place to another (stage 1, flowchart) -how your web pages will be laid out (stage 2, wireframe mockups)If you don't have a clear idea of these two things, go back to the first and second stagees and continue to develop them. You will find that the third stage is easiest when you have constructed a clear, concise battle plan for designing your website.Ditch the pen and paperIn stage 3, you need to be using Photoshop or another image editing program since you will be using colors and graphics to create the layout for your website.We usually begin creating the "home" page (index) first. Use your wireframes that you created in stage 2 as a template for each of the pages you create. However, instead of using solid boxes, use graphics, colors and text instead. Each page must look exactly how you want them to look on the Internet since this is the final stage of the design process.Be sure to include the background for your navigation (but don't actually add the text to your image). When converted using CSS (cascading style sheets), your navigation should be in the form of text and not images. Images are not crawl-able by the search engines (the keywords used in your navigation won't be indexed in the search engine results pages, meaning fewer people will be able to find your website).When you're happy with your designs and feel that they are ready to be put on the Internet, it's time to break apart the designs so that you can create a CSS based layout. For more information on converting your layouts to CSS or marking up your website in CSS, visit w3schools.com. After looking around the Internet, we couldn't find a decent image-to-CSS tutorial - so expect one from us in the coming weeks. Converting your designs into CSS is extremely important since table layouts are a thing of the past.Here is an example of a nearly-completed website of the layout we mocked up in stage 2. This was taken directly from our web browser and as you can see, there is now a logo, colors, a pretty navigation system, a footer, and a most importantly, a clean, organized layout. Thanks to the planning in stages 1 and 2, our layout is well-organized and easy to use.The Dos-reference your templates that were created in stage 2; though it is fine to deviate from your original layout, you shouldn't need to -do some research before creating your actual design; get ideas from other sites and make them your own (without plagiarizing) -include color and graphics to create the final look for your web pages -use CSS (cascading style sheets) to convert your designs from images into markup understandable by web browsers -reference your flowchart from stage 1 when coding your pages with hyperlinks; it is better to use a drop down menu that includes all (or the majority) of the links in your website on every page; this will allow for easier navigation and also make your pages easier to crawl when the search engine spiders stop by; a great place to get CSS drop down menus is at DynamicDrive.com -finalize your design while working in Photoshop or whatever image editing software you use; it can be a pain to make changes to your design once it is converted into markup (code)The Donts-don't include the text in your navigation menus when converting to CSS; instead of using image text, use regular text that is readable by search engine spiders -don't use tables when converting; even if you need to buy a book on CSS, it will be worth it; tables are dead -don't skip the first two stages just to save time; your website WILL be better if you start from the beginning of the web design process (instead of at the end) -don't forget to compress your images when they are cut apart for CSS; there is nothing worse than a slow loading website because of large image files; Photoshop has a "Save Optimized For Web" option (CS3 - "Save for Web and Devices")Process Makes PerfectBy following a web design process such as the one illustrated in this article, you increase the chances of creating a website that is well-organized, easily navigable, and very user-friendly. Lets face it - if visitors get lost or become confused while attempting to surf your website, they might hit the back button and look for a more user friendly website. People do not like to think when it comes to finding their way around websites. Don't make them think. You do the thinking by planning out your website from stage 1 to stage 3 and you will find that more people will enjoy visiting your website.

Working With Graphics – Popular Software Packages Vs. Freeware Alternatives

Written by kiti SEO on 24.4.08

The need for graphics software is something that has grown exponentially along with the development of modern day computers, the internet, and of course, the digital camera. The exact use for it varies not only among the different users, but from the different tasks one single user want to finish – it being photo retouching of the private family album, creating elements for your blog or website, or making a brochure for your private business. And we expect to finish up all these tasks in one program – two at tops. It goes without saying that we expect a lot from the graphics software we choose to utilize. Now, for many users, both professional and the semi-professional home users, Adobe Photoshop is the obvious choice. Some love and swear to Paint Shop Pro, the cheaper alternative from Corel, while millions of pc users are satisfied with what Microsoft and Apple ship with their operating systems. Now, those who fall into the last category, may not find this article as useful as those who belong in the first two, as the simple photo retouching tools they already have installed with their OS serves their needs. For the rest of you however, read on to see what other free software options you have, and why you should, or should not, choose to utilize them instead. I am going to split the article into categories, to help you draw your own conclusion as to what software will do the job, hopefully without costing you a buck.1 SupportMany users of commercial software find this point very important when they’re deciding which package to use. Will the software support my printer/wacom tablet/camera import/scanner/OS – and if it doesn’t, will they offer me help to solve the problem? The answer with commercial packages is – yes and no. All major software developers offer support, usually over email, phone or chat, and as long as they have the answer to your question in their database, they’ll give it to you. For more complex problems however, the poor, underpaid technician may not be able to help you – and this is, contrary to popular belief, one of the big advantages of Open Source Software (OSS). OSS has the advantage of being followed by a strong community – not only with graphics artists that take use of the software, but also the programmers that actually helped develop the code itself. In other words, you may be able to get your answer directly from the source, and even have someone help you create a patch especially for you. That’s something Adobe, Corel and Microsoft would never offer you. On the other hand, getting those answers may be a bit more complicated than picking up the phone. It may take some forum browsing, a few emails, and some waiting before the problem is solved. Now, the last kind of software release, which is also free, is from professional software developers that release their software for free. They may have different reasons for doing this. Some release their older versions for free while the newer versions cost money – like a demo solution, only better (remember, that version was the newest just a year ago). Some do it just for the advertising – perhaps they have some other software that they’re selling at a higher price, and just want to get your attention. The backside of downloading these alternatives is that most of them offer none or very limited support – in other words, if you’re having problems, you’re on your own.To sum it up, Open Source projects may actually offer the best support in the long run, even if it takes some research to find your answers, but professional software are tested for months before release, usually have support for most drivers and hardware built in, and may therefore remove the need for the support in the first place. If you need new software for a project quickly, to reach a deadline, you may be safer off going for a commercial package. If, on the other hand, you want to learn some graphics editing, perhaps do some retouching on your private photos, I would not let this stop me.2 What does the program actually offer?This is another important point for many – how far can you stretch the programs technical abilities before it snaps? This is actually kind of a tricky question, because most major software packages – both free and commercial – give you the option to install third party plug-ins. (for those who do not know what this is, it is a piece of code that is loaded along with the software to serve one particular need – in most cases to use a filter on an image that the application did not offer in the first place). The number of plug-ins available for OSS is big – the number for Photoshop is vast. However, more does not necessarily mean better, and you should not let the number of plug-ins available guide you when purchasing software. Also, again in the commercial vs free packages, it is a question of price; most major Photoshop plug-ins are not free – all OSS plug-ins are.Having mentioned the plug-ins, let’s see now what the programs offer themselves. Photoshop has set the standard for image manipulation software for 15 years, and it’s as far as the author can see, impossible to design a program in this genre without being inspired by it. That being said, it does not mean that freeware alternatives cannot stand up to its standards, but it does mean that you’ll rarely find something in a free package that Photoshop did not already offer. Having tested most of the major freeware pretty thoroughly, what I have discovered is that they offer pretty much the same abilities as Photoshop does – but with 85% the usability. In other words, it can get most of the work done, but not all, and what it can do, it won’t do as streamlined as Photoshop. It’s worth mentioning though, that I am talking about advanced editing here – not simple retouching and drawing. For the photo editor – the free ones will undoubtedly to the job for you. For the internet graphics editor - it will undoubtedly also get the job done. For the advanced graphics/photo editor, the last 15% can make you raise an eyebrow and wonder why you ever considered free software. The conclusion is that the major freeware packages will cover the needs for 90% of the users.3 Hardware IssuesWill the program work with my printer? How about my Wacom? My digital camera? Actually most of the hardware compability is dependent on your operating system. For example, some versions of Mac OSX did not support tablets, and a wacom would therefore be treated like a regular mouse – thus removing the pressure sensitivity. The same thing is true if you do not install the correct drivers in Windows. As for the printer – most software that includes support for printing, relies on the drivers you installed when you first connected the printer. In other words, if printing works in other programs, there’s no reason it won’t work when you’re working on the graphics. There are some other printing issues that are worth thinking about though, I will cover these in the next section.4 More printing issuesApart from driver support, there are some issues you should think about if you are going to print your artwork. Color management, for example, can be tricky, and not even Photoshop had a good enough printing dialogue until CS3 was released. Again, this depends on your use of the software – professional users may need total control of how their documents are rendered for print. If you’re using it to print your family photos on the other hand, you may not need these settings (and you probably won’t understand them either). Photoshop does give you better control over your printing profiles – but it’s only necessary for the advanced user.Having read this article, I hope you are able to reach a conclusion. There is no doubt that free open-source projects have reached a point where they are nearly as advanced as expensive, commercial software, and can cover most of your needs. As much as I love photoshop, I also love the open-source community, and nothing would make me happier than if I could save you a few hundred bucks! My website www.freegraphicstools.com contains some links and reviews if you are ready to try out some of the Photoshop alternatives. You may be surprised that even Illustrator, 3D studio, Adobe Premiere, After Effects and Microsoft Office all have freeware alternatives that are rich in functionality!

SEO Myths Dispelled: Flash

Written by kiti SEO on 24.4.08

By now, everyone has visited a website that utilizes Flash multimedia within its design. Since 1996, the use of Flash has grown in popularity thanks to its ability to add animation and interactivity to websites. More recently, Flash has become an essential component in the prolific distribution of intrusive "pop-ups," or web-based advertisements. Flash also grants designers the ability to integrate video into web pages, and this has led many within the Web 2.0 space to use Flash to develop rich Internet applications. Many companies, including my own, Denver based Fusionbox, offer streaming Flash Video Solutions to clients in need of online video.And while the inclusion of Flash into websites no doubt enriches the user experience rendering it that much "flashier," search engine optimizers (SEOs) have long been wary of the use of Flash due to the fact that it's supposedly un-indexable by the search engines. Key word here: supposedly.As we all know, the search engine game changes daily. If it stayed the same, it wouldn't be called a game. The inherent beauty of it is that no one knows everything. Instead, all just players who know something, and we're all practicing as we try to learn more to catch up with all the developments taking place. One such development is the evolution of Flash and the impact it has had on the science of search.Back in day, Flash files were not indexable by search engines because the content was hidden from the spider's digital eyes. The implications of this fact were dire from an SEO standpoint. It was no secret. Invisible content did not boost search engine rank or positioning. If anything, it held quality sites back because Google was blind to content found within Flash files, mistakenly convinced that there was no content at all. Still, many web designers stuck to Flash (despite our SEO driven pleas) after falling in love with the allure of its interactivity and the attractive design capabilities it offered.In those days, designers were confronted with a difficult choice. Give up on Flash in order to achieve better search engine rankings, or preserve the design and watch site rankings stagnate or plummet. Flash then, became a visually beautiful application that was literally empty beneath the surface, until now that is. Today, Flash has changed dramatically from what it once was. The choice that once plagued designers is now extinct. Macromedia, the company responsible for creating Flash, now offers a product known as the Flash Search Engine SDK (Software Development Kit) that includes an application known as "swf2html." This application extracts both links and text from Flash files (.swf), returning the data in HTML form. This allows Google and other search engines to "see" the Flash content that was formerly invisible. Even with this development, the extracted text is nothing that appeals to the artistic sensibility. Yet despite its uninviting and often disfigured appearance, this text represents valuable content that facilitates search engine optimization.I came across a great comparison of a Flash file and its extracted HTML text when researching this article, and I've included links below so you can see for yourself how this works.Example of Flash file Example of extracted textHaving seen this example, you're probably wondering, "How do I know if my Flash content is visible to search engines?" Luckily for you, a simple test exists which can show you how much of the text in your Flash presentation is extractable by the Google bots.Begin by performing an "exact search" (bound within quotes) using the Flash filetype operator (.swf) on a piece of text at the top of the HTML output generated by Macromedia's tool. Then perform the same test against text in the middle and at the bottom, comparing results to see exactly how much of your content is visible to Google. Another way this problem has been alleviated is through the use of Flash CS3. Users can publish Flash CS3 with meta tags (meta descriptions, keywords, and more) that are then able to index individual Flash movie content. Links are also indexable, and from an SEO standpoint, that's great news.Furthermore, with the implementation of XML and other external scripting languages (PHP and others) Flash can now run web sites at even greater speeds than their graphic-laden counterparts.We've seen that although the popular misconception still exists that Flash content cannot be indexed properly by the search engines, the problem is not yet entirely solved. Rather, it's only been partially alleviated.You've still got to watch out for a problem that might be encountered by Flash presentations which use dynamic content pulled from a database, XML file, or other related source generated through user input. This type of content is not part of the XML file itself and thus is not indexable by Google and other search engines. Caution must also be exercised in the case of certain types of motion in which the Flash movie creates an extracted output that contains duplicated content. Another SEO issue to avoid.Armed with this knowledge, you can now begin to test your Flash presentations for search engine indexability and friendliness. Yet keep these unresolved issues in mind or you may hurt your website positioning more than you help it.In conclusion, many of you are probably wondering what the future of Flash has in store. We can anticipate Flash becoming the primary provider of the presentation interface in handheld devices. Numerous sources claim that Adobe (Macromedia's parent company) is aggressively chasing cellular phone and PDA vendors, hoping to create partnerships that will allow them to deploy "Flash Lite" as the user interface on those type of products.Interestingly, the next version of Flash will have two new features designed to ensure online advertising gets noticed.The first will require that users watch an ad (in full) prior to viewing the main video, which could make online video sites a lot less user-friendly if we're forced to watch an ad in its entirety. The second feature is the addition of DRM, which will give companies the option and ability to link an ad to content, essentially ensuring that both are played and not modified.As you can see, the evolution of Flash changed the online marketing space and will continue to do so. All indications seem to hint that Flash's major influence will transform the domain of search, facilitate the development of custom web-based software and rich applications, and create user-brand interaction on a level never before seen online. We as Internet marketers must always be "on," at the ready to connect with customers across multiple platforms on their terms, not ours. As video becomes more and more the preferred method and focal point of strategic web-based marketing message distribution, we need to continue to "play" the game and stay one step ahead of the trends. Give customers the opportunity to choose you by positioning yourself where potential consumers of online media (video especially) already spend their time online. The world becomes more and more a digital place everyday, and as the Internet evolves new opportunities to reach and influence consumers present themselves. Just make sure you're ready when such chances present themselves, or you've missed the boat entirely.

Computer Software- Incredible Applications

Written by kiti SEO on 24.4.08

Computers have become the most essential aspect of our lives these days. The advancement in the technology is attributed to the increased use of these amazing machines and their deep penetration in the lives of human beings. When everything in our lives is influenced by the computers, we simply cannot imagine living without them. From communication to computing, from education to entertainment, nothing in the present world can sustain without them. You cannot work on the piece of hardware that is simply a dormant structure of sophisticated electronic equipments. You need an application or software to work upon the system.Software is a collection of modules and programs that have been created to accomplish a particular task. The computer programs are created with the help of various programming languages that have distinctive syntax, concepts and complex structures. They can be classified into a variety of categories based on their use and purposes. These programs can be broadly classified into the two categories - system software and application software. While the system software like operating system etc are created for the system support and platforms, the application program is created to cater to various demands of the users. The vast computerization of various industries, work processes and increased use of Internet has created immense demand for a variety of applications. Software is being developed for the various domains like insurance, banking, health, airlines, railway, travel etc. No matter what profession we are talking about, one or the other application is being created for the professionals of every domain. No process can function without the support of efficient and relevant computer applications.When we talk about the photography and image printing then we need to have reliable and highly sophisticated tools with which the amazing effects can be added to images etc. With the highly advanced and efficient computer software one can easily add incredible finishing touches to photographs. The image editing & print media is an incredibly vast arena.Adobe is a leading company that has excelled in the domain of image editing and drawing tools. The Photoshop has been one of the most efficient and highly used applications across the world. This program is almost 20 years old. It is an image editing tool that adds graphical effects to the images. Recently the latest version of the application was launched by the Adobe systems. The Adobe Photoshop CS3 is the incredible application that has given the image editors and designers immense capability and now they can create wonderful images in a few moments. Giving more dimensions to the creativity of the artist, this application has a multitude of features that provide them amazing ease to create admirable photographs, animations and posters etc.The Photoshop CS 3 version was launched in 2007 on April 16th. The extension CS in the name shows the amalgamation of the various creative suite tools and products in the application while the 3 stands for the third version. The CS3 has additional features like the application of non- destructive filters and the highly efficient tools collection called Quick Selection and the advanced facility called the Refine Edge that gives more streamlined selection. This application has another version called CS3 extended which has more capabilities like the 3 dimensional drawing, scientific imaging etc.The Adobe Photoshop CS3 is being marketed and promoted with some major improvements over the earlier version. It gives the users ease to work more productively and give better results. It helps them to edit the images with great power and efficiency and it also gives them amazing breakthrough tools with which they can compose the images. The new features in the product were really beneficial in increasing the productivity of the users with better and streamlined interfaces, enhanced control over the printing options and better support for the PDF. The users get enhanced capabilities with the advanced management of their work with the help of the Adobe Bridge and Camera Raw functions. There are number of tools available in this version of Photoshop like Vanishing Point module, Clone Source Palette and smart filters. It is certainly an ideal software.

Laptops Vs Desktops

Written by kiti SEO on 24.4.08

Laptops have always seemed a very desirable item to have. Not only do you look pretty good but you have the ability to take your computing anywhere. Up until recently thought I would have always advised against these.Why would I do this? Well there were several factors – some are still applicable today. Laptops used to be very expensive. You would get much more power and reliability for spending half the money on a desktop PC than you would paying double the money for a laptop. What’s more, the laptops would often slow down dramatically when they heated up, not good considering that Laptops, with their minimal air circulation, heat up extremely quickly.Another thing to consider is what happens if these laptops go wrong? On a desktop PC if your RAM fails you go and buy RAM from any manufacturer at the going rate and hey presto – you are back. Same applies to the motherboard and many other parts. All parts in a desktop PC can be chopped and changed, relatively easily and at a reasonable price.Now if your RAM or motherboard fails in your laptop what happens here? Well basically the manufacturers have you by the short and curlies. You can generally only buy the parts from the manufacturer directly, they can charge what they like as there is minimal if not zero competition. Not only can they charge what they like, you can often wait weeks to get the necessary part.People also have this idea with laptops that they can take their computers anywhere and play their games or surf the Internet with total freedom – This is partly true of a new laptop with a new battery. After what I think is quite a short time your battery will no longer hold its charge for the 2 hours it did when it was new. It will now only last half an hour – and of course, if you are doing something demanding, like game play or similar, you can expect this time to reduce by at least half again.So your portable computer now has to be plugged into the mains – therefore not so portable after all!So far I have put the laptop down, it’s expensive if it work, it’s very expensive if it breaks. It’s not as potable as you think and it’s performance is not going to be as good as you hoped.This is all changing now as laptops have plummeted in cost. Whereas you used to have to pay a minimum of £600 ($1200 approx.) for a low spec machine, you can now pick up a decent make, decent specced machine for about half that price. Now if you weigh up the fact that a desktop PC is going to cost you around £200 for anything half usable, then you need a monitor – the laptop is already winning on cost. Also the technology regarding heat dissipation has improved dramatically so you can expect your laptop to stay cool for longer and perform better in the heat. Yes the battery life has somewhat improved but still a lot of work to be done here to make them ultimately portable. However the new light compact machines can easily be transported from home, to the office, to your mates etc etc with ease and all your data comes with it.You of course still have the issue if something goes wrong but there are now thousands of these machines being sold – this means, if you pick a decent brand, there are loads of spare parts around on Ebay or similar.I now do all my work on a laptop. I plug in an external keyboard, as typing on a laptop keyboard is not comfortable. If I did want to play any games then I think I would still side with the desktop – but for day to day use the laptop is the winner. Easy to put away, minimal wires, minimal mess and ultimately a portable office.

Adult Website Design in UK - Escort Website Design Services

Written by kiti SEO on 24.4.08

Adult Website Design UK offers a complete adult web design service from conceptual design to development, internet marketing, web promotion with search engine insertion and email marketing. The solutions based on visually simulating front-end designs, along with the latest technology separate this talented team from typical adult web design companies.Adult Website Design UK has built a reputation for creating a positive return on investment for the clients, by using some techniques such as incorporating sound design principles that focus on ease of navigation, website usability guidelines, smart and clean content layout. This experienced web designers’ team works together with the clients to enable them to gain an edge over their rivals in a highly competitive market.The manifold services include escort website design, so if you represent an escort agency, Adult Website Design UK has the solution for you as well. There are so many companies that offer escort website design services, and most of them really do not have a clue about creating an escort website that is search engine friendly. But Adult Website Design UK is capable of creating an escort website that performs competently within the search engines over the long-term.If you already have an adult website and you want to update the look and feel of your site, this professional and experienced redesign team has the creative talent to appeal to your sense of style and the ability to turn your ideas into reality. No matter how large or small is the website redesign project Adult Website Design UK is the best solution for you. The designers are able to work in any code format from html to ASP.If you are looking for escort website design or any other adult web design services, feel free to contact Adult Website Design UK by using the following means: phone on 0845 388 9465 during office hours (GMT) or email via sales@adultwebsitedesignuk.com and you will have the resource to create your dream website.Whoever might be interested in such services, and no matter how high their expectances might be, it is good to know that the professionally designed adult websites we offer please everyone. Even the most difficult and curious tastes will be delighted with the services we offer as well as the escort website design. When it comes to providing our customers with a high quality adult themed eCommerce website we have the resources to create the website you’ve been dreaming about and also the means and professionals you can turn any adult’s dream in reality.Meant for the adults and their friends, the Adult Web Design UK uses the newest features in creative technology. We are proud to have the professionals that can develop cutting-edge adult website projects for the adult industry offering a beautiful escort website design serving all purposes.

Using Flash Slideshow In Your Web Design

Written by kiti SEO on 24.4.08

If you looking for a flash slide show solution with thumbnail preview, it would be helpful to see lots of thumbnails and load dynamically, with advanced visual effects, the bigger image if the thumbnail is clicked.Now this is a lot of work with Macromedia Flash and you need a good Flash skill; the cost of this quality will be very expensive.The Flash software is quite complicated, but the results can be well worth the effort, .for many people it just seems too expensive and complicated option.However, there are many simple and cost-effective web design solutions available that will create a quality flash slideshow for as little as a few dollars.You can't afford to pay a web site designer to design a Flash slideshow for you.So how do you get around this problem? Actually it is very easy, and as always there are options!Do-It-YourselfThe solution is the stand alone program that allows you to construct a flash slideshow without knowing any Macromedia Flash. Among the better ones is A2 Flash slideshow Editor which comes in two softwares: BUILDER and COMPOSER.Think of these as personal and business.How it work:A2 Flash slideshow Editor is very easy to use, in 5 steps, with the A2 Flash BUILDER, you create, in minutes, your flash slideshow with thumbnails, transitions, zoom, interactive controls and advanced visual effects. Your clients will be absolutely jazzed by the flash slideshow You will produce for their websites.Step 1: Add Images, text and sound. Step 2 choose your flash slideshow templates from a great number of these. Step 3: Add effects, transition and much more. Step 4: Publish your flash slideshow. That's all.Customizing your A2 Flash slideshow Templates with A2 Flash COMPOSER is easy Step 1: From A2 Flash BUILDER select the Flash template to modify.Step 2: Launch the Composer Sw.Step 3: Change position, dimensions, animations, masks and much more like you want.Step 4: See preview. Step 5 Create in seconds your 100% customized Flash template.By purchasing a sw like A2 Flash slideshow Editor you will greatly reduce the cost of the design and as a bonus, you will know from the start what it will look like when it is finished.Okay, here's the way to do a perfect Flash slideshow.

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