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Top Free Registry Cleaner Software

Written by kiti SEO on 18.4.08

The latest statistics show that about 90% of computers have corrupt and possibly harmful files.To add to this, almost each personal computer will have about 120 + errors on them due to missing or corrupted registry entries. This brings up the question, why and when do registry problems occur?
If you have a new system, chances are that you won't need to make any changes to your registry because you have not yet added or removed any software applications. However, as you utilise your computer more and more, your registry will expand as you gradually install and uninstall software and other hardware on your computer. These continuous removals and additions will ultimately result in your windows registry becoming fragmented, full of errors and even corrupted.
Lets take a brief look at the common problems a computer has, resulting from registry problems:
Some common registry errors:
1. Missing, broken or bad application/Windows links,shortcuts and paths
2. Browser obects that are unwanted
3. Unused and obsolete Start Menu items
4. Application files which are missing or corrupt
5. Active X Components which are corrupted
6. Obsolete shared DLLs and folders
7. Registry integrity and shell folder entries including profiles,my documents and favourites.
Most people don't have a great knowledge about pc's and do not know what the above entail, but its no worry. You see, the only thing you need to grasp is that when you uninstall applications from your pc there is a great chance that residuals will still be littering your hard drive and your registry.
The unfortunate situation is that you will experience the symptoms of frequent error messages, slow start-ups, sluggishness, declining performance and a severe degradation in operating speed.
There are many registry software applications out there that can fix your registry.I have reviewed many of them and have found that Registry Cure is the most effective.
If you would like to download your free version of registry cure please visit the website below.
About the Author
Reg Cure 2007

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