ติดต่อรับทำ Flash Animation

Ct:Kitipong( L ) flash_famous@hotmail.com
ส่งเมล์มาให้ตีราคาก่อนนะครับผม ส่วนเบอร์โทรศัพท์เดี๋ยวจะติดต่อไปทีหลังครับ

หรือติดต่อ www.cartoon2d.com เจ้าเดียวกันครับ

งาน cartoon animation ราคางานทำใหม่เริ่มต้นที่ 2000-3000 นะครับ ถ้าหลายๆนาทีจะคิดตามรายละเอียดให้ครับ หรือถ้ามีรายละเอียดงานส่งมาให้ตีราคาก่อนได้ครับผม (งาน start ที่หลัก พันนะครับผม ^ ^)

Screen Shot

Screen Shot

Port CAI

Search Engine Optimization

Software DevelGuidelines for Web Design with SEO Advantage

Written by kiti SEO on 17.4.08

Designing a user friendly site is very important. This could be achieved by integrating good navigation of web pages. User should easily locate link and hyperlinks of sites so that he/she could go through inner pages of the site. Each pages linked to menu items should be exactly matching menu title. Home page should be linked to each and every page so that user can access home page easily. Provide appropriate link and title within pages while referring to information. Platform compatibility of the design should be checked. Make sure it is cross platform compatible. Browser compatibility, Screen resolution, Color depth and plug-ins are to be considered for making cross platform design. To begin with browsers - Check your design in different browsers and fix all incompatibility issues. Set most commonly used screen resolution and check whether site display is fine. Make appropriate changes if needed. Try to use web safe colors. Integrate plugins in pages very carefully. Try to use plugins which are compatible with all browsers. Avoid using plugins which are frequently updated. In order to make your site search engine friendly interlinking of pages is very important. Make sure that each page of your site is interlinked with other pages. Put text links with appropriate keywords for your site. If you are putting image link than don't forget to put alt text keywords. Put appropriate Meta keywords and description. Avoid using JavaScript and flash as they are bad for search engines usability. After all visitors are most important asset for your site and you want as many visitors as possible. These are few basic guidelines to follow before you start with your design. Amit Mehta works to help all those who want information about the Software Development Services, web designing, web development services, multimedia services for Software regarding category. To know more about software development services, e-commerce services , Testing services, website designing and development, multimedia development services, 2D/3D animation. visit: http://www.unisoft-technologies.com

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