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Inventory Control Software Impacts Supply Chain Logistics

Written by kiti SEO on 17.4.08

ConnectShip's goal is to make shipping management as easy as possible. Distributors, who ship product via the world's system of small package carriers, are able to utilize a product line to ship efficiently including:
* ConnectShip Warehouse - A shipping management application designed for companies with mid to high volume shipping needs; ConnectShip Warehouse provides reliable and efficient small parcel and LTL shipment manifesting for distribution operations. * ConnectShip Advisor - A shipment rating application designed to assist shippers with carrier/service selection decisions. ConnectShip Advisor provides comprehensive shipping advice and allows integration with order management, ERP and other backend systems. * ConnectShip ChainLink - A suite of browser-based applications that support shipping functions throughout the enterprise, ConnectShip ChainLink includes shipping applications to support desktop shipping requests, customer service inquiries, and small parcel and LTL shipment manifesting. * ConnectShip Merchant - An electronic routing guide for traditional and online order entry systems, ConnectShip Merchant provides functionality to determine preferred shipping methods and accurately calculate shipping charges at time of order entry. According to Rich Hite, co-founder of QC Software, "Being a ConnectShip reseller is vital to our clients because it gives us total visibility as the outbound floor manager for the distribution facility, which allows us to provide a complete, rather than disjointed, system to our clients. ConnectShip is a flexible, extremely customizable product that allows us to meet each client's unique needs and requirements. Additionally, the ConnectShip suite supports multiple major carriers which allow customers more shipping choices and flexibility."
QC Software is the leading provider of Tier 1 warehouse control systems to the warehousing and distribution industries. Since 1996, QC Software, utilizing state of the art technology combined with extensive research, development, and rigorous testing, has developed the QC Enterprise suite of products. Designed to be modular in nature, easily configurable, and platform independent, this highly scalable solution satisfies the needs of any size warehouse.
The solutions provided by QC Software (www.qcsoftware.com) enables companies to streamline their warehouse operations with the lowest total cost of ownership in the industry ensuring increased corporate profitability. Clients include Tommy Hilfiger, Under Armour, and Arbonne. To see if WCS software is appropriate QC has developed testing methodology at http://qcsoftware.com/wcs_factors.html.

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