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Tips on Graphic Design

Written by kiti SEO on 3.5.08

Understanding Graphic Design: Graphic design is the art or profession of visual communication that combines images, words, and ideas to convey information to an audience.A graphic designer is responsible for arranging and using elements on different types of media (such as a poster, a package or a website), most likely with the use of a graphics software program such as Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop or InDesign. These elements include:• Photos • Illustrations • Type • Shapes • Color • Texture Forms of Graphic Design.The most common forms include:• Logos • Websites • Business Cards • Advertisements • Brochures • Billboards • Product Packaging • Posters • Book Design • Magazine Layout • Newspaper Layout • Greeting Cards Tool Kits for Graphic DesignThere are several tools that are essential to graphic design.A ComputerIn today's design world, a computer and graphics software are essential as your design tool and your business tool. Graphic Software:Graphics software programs are key to your success. The Adobe Creative Suite is extremely popular among designers. The Corel Graphics Suite and Quark are also popular for design work. Software includes:• Photoshop, for photo retouching and creating graphic elements • Illustrator, for creating illustrations such as logos • InDesign, for page and book layouts • Flash, for creating animated, interactive website • Dreamweaver, for website development Design BooksIt's very helpful to build up your own small library of graphic design books. For creative inspiration pick up some books featuring top work in different categories such as brochure, logo or album cover design that cover the business and technical side of design. A SketchpadIt's also important to always keep a small sketchpad or notepad handy, as you can forget a great idea as fast as you thought of it. You can sketch out ideas on sketchpad whenever you have new ideas.Steps for Design Project:I) Research: It is always necessary to know what your client needs first. You should have a meeting to discuss the scope of the work. It is important to research sufficiently the tropic 2) Create an Outline:You should develop an outline of the content and goal of the project, which you can present to your client for approval before proceeding. You should take into consideration, factors such as audience, message, and number of pages, dimensions, budget, deadline, existing corporate brand, and logo before finalizing your content. You also need to draw simple sketches and getting several rounds of approval on designs.For web design, wireframes are a great way to start with your page layouts.3) Revisions You should encourage "mixing and matching" the designs you provide. Clients may like the background color on one design and the font choices on another. Feel free to give your opinion on what looks best. It is not uncommon to have a couple more rounds of changes before reaching a final design.4) Final Design : You should discuss the design with group or team about all ideas. You can visit Museum for inspiration and read relevant books. You can put down ideas on pageAnd decide structured layout. You should use all your creativity to come up with something new and different.5) Proposal: After carefully following all steps, you can move to create actualDesign and submit the proposal to your client with logo, estimation of cost.

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