ติดต่อรับทำ Flash Animation

Ct:Kitipong( L ) flash_famous@hotmail.com
ส่งเมล์มาให้ตีราคาก่อนนะครับผม ส่วนเบอร์โทรศัพท์เดี๋ยวจะติดต่อไปทีหลังครับ

หรือติดต่อ www.cartoon2d.com เจ้าเดียวกันครับ

งาน cartoon animation ราคางานทำใหม่เริ่มต้นที่ 2000-3000 นะครับ ถ้าหลายๆนาทีจะคิดตามรายละเอียดให้ครับ หรือถ้ามีรายละเอียดงานส่งมาให้ตีราคาก่อนได้ครับผม (งาน start ที่หลัก พันนะครับผม ^ ^)

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Search Engine Optimization

2d Cartoon Animation

Written by kiti SEO on 25.11.08

Animation is the rapid succession of a series of images in order to create an illusion of a moving picture. In other words, it is an optical impression of motion resulting from the phenomenon of persistence of vision. The moving pictures are produced through a string of consecutive images that reproduce motion by each image showing the next in a gradual progression of steps. If a series of 24 or less cartoon images run per second, it will result in a cartoon animation. Although animation is commonly demonstrated in the form of a motion picture or video program, any other forms of presenting animation also exist, including computer animation like 2D and 3D animations which encompasses a variety of techniques where the animation is created digitally on a computer.

In case of 2D animation, pictures are created and/or edited on the paper or computer screen in a two-dimensional environment such as cel animation or in computerized animation software. The two dimensional (2D) animation software gives movement and action to static images. These figures are created and edited using 2D bitmap graphics or by using 2D vector graphics including automated computerized versions of conventional animation techniques like tweening, morphing, onion skinning, blurring, cell animation, path animation and interpolated rotoscoping. Three dimensional representations of geometric data is stored in the computer to enable calculations and deliver 2D images.

2D animations such as Analog Computer Animation, Macromedia Flash, PowerPoint etc. can be produced using software tools. To give an element of motion to the object, a digital framework process called rigging is applied. The process of 2D Animation involves complete story boarding including each shot of the animation, background design, character design, cell animation, perfect voice synching and flow of the animation including the background music. Every shot in a 2D animation involves multiple single drawings of characters.

Ensure Better Website Response With the Use of Flash Animation Services

Written by kiti SEO on 25.11.08

Eye-catching and innovative techniques are being utilized in websites to make their presence felt on the World Wide Web. Online competition is becoming fierce, making it important to come up with exclusive Internet promotional techniques. Flash animation designs is one such technique, which when used appropriately on websites, acts as an attention grabbing element for the viewers.

Basically flash is a multimedia tool and an aspect of Macromedia. It gives endless opportunities for creativity and helps in developing excellent interactive software. Good, experienced professional flash designers make use of flash services for developing innovative designs, interactive online movies, clippings, aesthetic images, etc. They combine flash designs with the content on the web page in a complimentary manner.

Flash animation services increases the visual impact of your website and gives an exclusive look to it. Flash uses astounding features that give a realistic online experience to users. Flash designs can be used in a website in different ways and formats. You can opt to display product information, company details, presentations, and more through the medium of flash animation in a website. Moreover, they are free of any compatibility issues with other web browsers, making it safe from any risk of being copied and played on different websites. So you can work with flash without worrying about it getting jumbled up in other programming languages. Flash gives wings to your imagination, making it possible to turn dreams into reality. Your designers can create mesmerizing online ads that can serve as a perfect attention grabbing device. As a promotional tool, many website owners install animated games on their sites.

The use of flash is not restricted to any specific industry or business size as it has been used by increasing numbers of companies all over the world. One can very well distinguish between websites with flash and without it. It has been seen that websites that use old and simple designs and do not use any innovative techniques score less on user’s likeability statistics.

Employing regular employees as flash website designers can prove to be costly and may not yield the expected results. Therefore now-a-days companies hire flash design services externally, giving them access to quality flash designs at affordable prices. These flash web design companies from Santa Barbara and LA have teams of talented flash designers with knowledge of the latest tools and techniques in web development.

Customer review and testimonial sections of a flash design company say a lot about their work and the level of satisfaction they can deliver to their clients.

What’s New in Adobe® Creative Suite® 4 Products

Written by kiti SEO on 25.11.08

On September 23, 2008, Adobe announced the release of Adobe® Creative Suite® 4, which are expected to start shipping towards the end of October 2008. Billed as the largest product release in Adobe's history, the new Adobe® Creative Suite® 4 products are new, improved, and ready for pre-order. Adobe Creative Suite 4 software has been significantly improved for increasing efficiency and creativity.
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended is better than ever with features such as smoother panning and zooming, fluid canvas rotation, extended depth of field, improved raw image processing, and more. Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended software delivers all the features in Photoshop CS4, plus new features for working with 3D imagery, motion-based content, and advanced image analysis. Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended is the latest and greatest of Photoshop. The new Adobe Photoshop CS4 is better than ever, and is essential for those creating and editing images.
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Standard is also new and improved. Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Standard is the essential toolkit for print design and production. Use new tools and efficiencies for delivering your ideas in print with confidence. Users can easily express ideas using full new versions of their favorite tools in a comprehensive design environment. Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Standard helps users deliver breathtaking images, sophisticated graphics, exquisite typography, and precise layouts that print reliably. The new Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Standard provides simpler ways of working to help users do more in less time, moving smoothly among design tools from concept to print. Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Standard includes Adobe InDesign CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Illustrator CS4, and Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional.
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection allows users to create visually rich, engaging content for virtually any media: print, web, interactive, video, audio, and mobile. Now you can design across media with ease, using these improved software tools. The Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection allows you to express yourself freely and stay in the creative flow, no matter what the medium for your design, with numerous new features and improvements. The Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection includes Adobe InDesign CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended, Adobe Illustrator CS4, Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, Adobe Flash CS4 Professional, Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Adobe Fireworks CS4, Adobe Contribute CS4, Adobe After Effects CS4, Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, Adobe Soundbooth CS4, Adobe OnLocation CS4, and Adobe Encore CS4. Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection has virtually every software package one might need to create content for most any media.
Schools, Faculty, Students, and Staff of K-12 schools, colleges, or universities can receive significant discounts on Adobe CS4 software through Genesis Technologies.
Genesis Technologies offers academic discounts on software for students, faculty, and staff of K-12 schools, colleges, and universities. We also offer discounts on software for 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. To see if you qualify

Adobe Flash - Programming

Written by kiti SEO on 25.11.08

Quite often, clients will ask for some kind of animation incorporated into their design. Some common uses of animation in websites are banners, logos, and navigational buttons. One of the most popular authoring environments for creating these animations is Macromedia Flash. Not only can Flash be used to create the elements mentioned above, it can be used to create entire websites or applications which are much more interactive than traditional HTML sites. It can also be used to create animated cartoons, games, and for displaying video on websites – YouTube being a good example.Flash content can be viewed through any internet browser which supports the Adobe Flash Player. Flash content can also be viewed on selected mobile and non-PC devices that support a Flash Player plugin.The Flash authoring environment supports a wide range of file formats, covering images, audio, and video. Having the ability to display high quality raster - or bitmap - images allows the user to create slideshows or add interactivity to images that are otherwise static. However, Flash’s real power lies in its ability to create vector graphics; using this form of artwork helps to cut down on file sizes which helps to keep animations running smoothly, and games performing as the developer intended. This is particularly true for older or slower computers.Another powerful feature of Flash is its scripting language, ActionScript. Using programming allows the developer to create Flash ‘movies’ which are dynamic, can perform complex calculations, communicate with server side applications, and generally, allow a great deal more control over animations and user interactions.At T-Enterprise, we use the Flash Authoring environment to create custom games for our clients. These range from simple puzzles to more complex platform games. The client will usually give us a brief of what they are looking for; usually it will require a theme that corresponds to the product or service which they provide. ActionScript allows us to create game ‘engines’ that can simulate real world physics, such as gravity and collision detection. As a result, our games offer high levels of interactivity whilst retaining the initial idea that the client suggested.Use of, and support for Flash continues to grow, as does the number people who use the internet. Having a viral element – such as a game or video clip - on your website may help to increase traffic to your pages.

Adobe Flash is Open: the Beginning of SEO for Flash?

Written by kiti SEO on 25.11.08

The revolutionary software creator Adobe Systems Inc. has teased SEO consultants across the web by announcing the opening of Flash. But, it is simply another effort to popularize its Flash player through the Open Screen Project.The Open Screen Project will allow flash developers to publish content and applications on desktop and mobile gadgets.Adobe did not mention anything about including solutions to make web content available for search engines. This project will just give further support to Flash industry architects, open access to its licenses and related code details, as well as pulling out all restrictions related to the application’s use.Although I agree with a statement from Adobe's CEO, "Adobe Flash Player is the world’s most pervasive client runtime," because of its creative options, as an SEO consultant I have to say that Flash should only be used to enhance the user experience in very specific areas of a website.Flash-based websites are just invisible to search engines. From a usability standpoint, we always discourage our clients from even featuring a 15 second splash video on their websites; most of the time users do not watch them.Adobe Flash hides your rich content from search engines, and they usually have difficulties following links.Until Adobe announces an SEO-friendly Flash version, that is to say, a Flash model that allows search engines to read and follow links from content and menus --- making it organically crawl-able for search engines, I do not think that any search engine optimization consultant nor interactive marketing agency will recommend the use of Flash.For companies that "must" have Flash versions of their websites, they should be simply that; Flash versions. The main version and landing pages of their websites should always be HTML based. You can always provide users with a link to the Flash version. Just make sure you hide these from crawlers (define) in the robots file (define).And as we always put forward, try to measure this with web analytics to support your experiment. You will be amazed about your findings.

Wedding Animation

Wedding Animation