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Graphical System Design Software is designed for students

Written by kiti SEO on 3.5.08

Available in multiple languages, LabVIEW v8.5 Student Edition facilitates project-based learning by giving students flexible, hands-on environment with which to design, prototype, and deploy engineering and science concepts. Solution leverages industry performance standards and offers capabilities for multicore processing as well as hybrid programming. With included tools and programming options, students can create applications and engineering algorithms for real-world applications.
Graphical System Design Software Offers Students Hands-On Learning for Real-World Applications
NEWS RELEASE - Nov. 6, 2007 - National Instruments today announced the availability of the LabVIEW 8.5 Student Edition, the latest version of the graphical system design software that gives students a flexible, hands-on environment to design, prototype and deploy engineering and science concepts into real-world applications. The student edition offers all the features of the popular LabVIEW graphical development platform including multicore processing and hybrid programming, providing students with software that facilitates project-based learning, leverages the latest industry performance standards and gives more programming options for creating applications and engineering algorithms.
Multicore processing, the development of parallel applications running concurrently on two or more processor cores, is gaining popularity in industry because of the exponential performance improvements it provides. The LabVIEW 8.5 Student Edition teaches students to easily optimize and engineer algorithms for multiple cores as well as deploy threads for control, test and embedded system development.

"It is important that students have the opportunity to develop the skills that are marketable to employers," said Ray Almgren, vice president of academic marketing at NI.
"We are excited to expand our contribution to engineering education by equipping students with technologies that support the latest PC performance enhancements, such as multicore, and help them stay ahead of industry trends."
In addition to multicore processing, students can use hybrid programming with LabVIEW MathScript to combine multiple models of computation or methods of programming. LabVIEW MathScript adds math-oriented, textual programming to LabVIEW, making it possible for students to reuse their .m file scripts created using The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB[R] software and other software so they can design and engineer algorithms with the programming approach that best suits their application needs.
The LabVIEW Student Edition also provides a student install option that gives universities the opportunity to easily distribute the graphical software to its student body. Currently, universities such as Virginia Tech, which has more than 1,600 freshman engineering students, use this feature to quickly get their students ready for instruction in a project-based learning environment.
Continuing its support of engineering education worldwide, National Instruments offers the LabVIEW 8.5 Student Edition in English, French, German, Japanese, Korean and Simplified Chinese.
For more information on the LabVIEW 8.5 Student Edition, readers can visit www.ni.com/labviewse. For more information on NI in academia, readers can visit www.ni.com/academic.
National Instruments in Academia
National Instruments is committed to enhancing engineering and science education worldwide by providing educators and students with powerful graphical system design software and modular hardware to connect the curriculum with the real world. Professors and students benefit from powerful, professional tools such as NI LabVIEW graphical development software, which helps students visualize and implement engineering concepts. The integration of LabVIEW in the classroom creates an effective, dynamic learning environment - from LEGO[R] MINDSTORMS[R] NXT in primary schools to research laboratories in universities. For more information about NI academic products, curriculum resources and discounts, visit www.ni.com/academic.
About National Instruments
National Instruments (www.ni.com) is transforming the way engineers and scientists design, prototype and deploy systems for measurement, automation and embedded applications. NI empowers customers with off-the-shelf software such as NI LabVIEW and modular cost-effective hardware, and sells to a broad base of more than 25,000 different companies worldwide, with no one customer representing more than 3 percent of revenue and no one industry representing more than 10 percent of revenue. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, NI has more than 4,500 employees and direct operations in nearly 40 countries. For the past eight years, FORTUNE magazine has named NI one of the 100 best companies to work for in America.
Pricing and Contact Information
LabVIEW 8.5 Student Edition, Windows and Mac Contact Sales: www.ni.com/contact
Priced from $59 E-mail: info@ni.com
LabVIEW 8.5 Student Install Option Contact Sales: www.ni.com/contact
COPYRIGHT 2008 ThomasNet, IncorporatedCOPYRIGHT 2008 Gale Group

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