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PREVIEW: Animation - Drawing people to cartoons

Written by kiti SEO on 1.5.08

After the success of last year's inaugural festival, the London International Animation Festival has expanded for its second outing to screen more than 200 films from 30 different countries. Short films from around the world are shown in seven competitive screenings, along with children's animation, UK efforts and student and computer-animated films.
What is it that makes this festival stand out? The director, Nag Vladermersky, believes it is 'the festival's vast amplitude "not only showing the most up-to-date films but also looking back into the past, giving you the history.'
The festival will showcase films from the likes of Latvia, Belarus, and Estonia. 'The eastern European section screens the cream of Estonia with the best Estonian directors working in collaboration, resulting in an amazing project of great directors working in unison,' says Vladermersky.
Much of the festival will be focused on the rich legacy of the National Film Board of Canada, concentrating on its many award- winning films from the 1930s to the present day. Vladermersky says that 'this is a long overdue tribute.' Jacques Drouin, the pin- screen animator, will be the guest of honour, presenting a masterclass.
Along with Drouin, there will also be a programme on Ryan Larkin, including a screening of the Oscar-winning Ryan, Chris Landreth's film about the brilliant young cartoonist and his torturous later years. The screening includes Alter Egos, a documentary on the shaping of Ryan, and four of Larkin's cartoons.
'Best of the Festival' completes the six days, with judges and the audience picking their animation favourites from the week. For Vladermersky, the objective is not just to present animation but to 'make people realise their rich heritage'.
23 to 28 August (020-7734 2255; www.curzon cinemas.com)
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