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BYU Animation produces 3 cartoon shorts

Written by kiti SEO on 1.5.08

The BYU Animation program has produced three award-winning cartoon shorts thus far. They are:
-- "Lemmings," a six-minute story about a creature who wants to save his fellow species from a horrible fate. It was produced and directed by Craig Van Dyke.
-- "Faux Paw," a four-minute and 15-second film, created with input from the FBI Internet Safety Task Force, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, early childhood educators and childhood psychologists for a national campaign to teach children about Internet safety. The film was directed by J. Chad Erekson.
-- "Pet Shop," a cartoon directed by Trent Halvorsen, which tells the story of a chinchilla and a lizard that are desperate to attract the attention of a young customer. It was named the "Best Foreign Short Film" at the Kawasaki Japan Digital Film Festival.
The three shorts are being compiled onto a DVD, which will sell at the Brigham Young University Bookstore for $10.
For more information on the program, you can visit www.et.byu/ animation/
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